Light to life is a venture of the Mar Thoma Mission Board that support Education and Development of less privileged Children. LIMTC sponsors 150 children for this project on an annual basis.
Origin: The Diocesan Bishop, Rt. Rev. Dr. Isaac Mar Philoxenos presented the urgent need of supporting educational needs of children in the Diocesan Assembly on April 22, 2017. The assembly decided to take up the project under the Mar Thoma Mission Board and the mission was officially launched on October 1, 2017.
Vision: Light to Life aims at social transformation and development of communities through holistic development of children. Holding up the motto of the Mar Thoma Church, Lighted to Lighten, the mission intends to shed light in the lives of children equipping them to transform their own communities and the world at large.
Background / Need: Even amidst the availability of educational institutions, the socio-economic situation in remote villages of India prevents children from making use of the facilities. The lack of proper guidance, educational support, proper nutritious food and fair clothing results in discontinuing the studies. This is where the light to life involves.

Project Design: The project is designed to support education, provide nutritious food and sufficient clothing, create congenial environment for emotional, social and spiritual growth to these less privileged children.
Each project will have a project center where children will attend afterschool and holiday classes. The centers will be providing them a meal a day. The social workers will be visiting the houses interacting with the parents and provide proper interventions to create a fair environment for the children to focus on studies.
This support system will help the children grow and achieve their full potential and thereby break the vicious cycle of poverty, which will ultimately change the socio-economic situation of their community.
Implementation: The mission board is implementing this project with the partnership with Church related agencies reaching different states of India.
How can you support A child can be sponsored by pledging $20 a month ($240 a year).
We support each project for a period of five years, the sponsor has the freedom to choose the duration of sponsorship from a minimum of one year. The sponsor will be informed of the name and basic details and periodically updated about progress of the sponsored child.
The payment:
- The payment can be made through
- Cheque payable to the Mar Thoma Mission Board directly to the office
- Scheduled bill pay
- Online.
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